I’m on the prowl for a laptop bag fit for a fashionista. I’ve had a practical (and cheap), black Nine West bag for ages and ages. I’m not sure which came first, the laptop or the bag. Yeah, it’s that old.
The problem is that you can’t just go grab a computer and a chic bag in the same spot. As much as I’ve hated researching prospects for my new digital wonder, I’m enjoying this bag search because it’s about as adventurous as searching for the lost arc. I expect Harrison Ford to pop up on my screen at any moment, cracking his whip and urging me on my way to glory.
(Ok, maybe that’s a bit embellished, even for me. Just trying to create some excitement here.)
First on my list to investigate in person is the McKlein Glen Ellyn Rolling 2-in-1 convertible tote. It’s at Macy’s, so (darn it) I have to go there again this week. The bag has great reviews online, but I’m curious about it’s detachable handle and how it will look without the handle. Will it look like a fashionista with no accessories? God forbid!
Another great discovery I made was stumbling across abbi New York. Bags with personality. That’s what I like! Probably not as practical but at least a little spunk. I’d enjoy pulling my laptop out of one of these cutie patooties.
One thought…as great as it would be to have a beautiful, unique laptop bag…do I really want that much bag personality?
Check back tomorrow for more on the laptop logs.
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