My mission today…to find these shoes shown on the St. Louis Fashion Week runway last night. Love them!
The runway shows last night were pretty decent. Some of the designs were a bit of a bore, but at least the show seemed well executed. A double runway was used, allowing more guests a front-row seat and longer look at the designs. Three large screens for closer look at the show for those in the cheap seats. They were even kind and accommodating to us press peons. Not always the case when you are covering an event.
It was a bit of a long travel to get from the VIP reception area to the runway show area. I guess you do what you can with the space you have…but obviously no one was thinking of how cranky all these fashionistas would be when their feet started hurting. 🙂
I loved the Black Halo line. For me, it was the most practical and wearable. Designer, Laurel Berman, definitely knows her stuff and how to design for women. Fabulous!
I’ll have video soon!
Today I spend the afternoon with local designer, Lesley Timpe, Squasht by Les. She’s already excited about participating in the summer Haute Market event and I’m so excited that she’ll be returning to KC for the show. She’s made several appearances at the Wearhaus shows downtown…somehow I’ve convinced her to come to the ‘burbs! Stay tuned for more from St. Louis Fashion Week!