A great thing about having an event at the Wine Bar (see last week’s event), is the fact that it’s inside the Lukas Superstore. So I stocked up on a few of my favorite sips before setting up for the December party.
After all…I had to be on TV a few days later and that makes me nervous enough to lose my dinner. So like the lush that I am (or attempt to be) I have a glass of Cabernet to ease my woes.
One of my faves is Liberty School Cabernet, 2005.
I find it just a bit fruity but what I would describe as slightly strong at first to my taste buds ( I think a true wine snob would say it’s “forward” or maybe “full-finished”, I forget). Not something I drink on it’s own very often. At least some tasty bread along with it. More preferably with a thick slice of steak.
A great treat to bring as a hostess gift. Stop by Two Chic Blvd’s Girl’s Night Out shopping event tonight and pick up a great wine bag for the perfect packaging.