I must have been asked this question a dozen times this week. Suddenly the winter weather pounds us and everyone is itching to know (literally) what I’m using to battle dry skin. Well it just so happens that I have a few favorites I’m currently using, all donated by some of our fabulous Swag Bag contributors.
First for the kisser – I was trading off between my LanoLip Balm and my Botanical Earth Mint Lip Balm. Both are equally fabulous in my opinion, and they work. Except that I’ve run out of my LanoLip, ack!
For the rest of my bod I’m using Coconilla Moisturizer by AYU International. I went tanning yesterday for the first time in ages and, later, was a little tender in some places that don’t normally see sun. I grabbed the Coconilla and was instantly soothed. Creamy and absorbs well. I actually don’t even like coconut, but this one is scented so subtly, and mixed well with the vanilla, that I don’t mind applying it several times a day.
The vest part about all these products, for me, the companies are all women owned in or near the KC metro. Botanical Earth is near St. Louis, the others are right here.
If you are in need of some winter skin therapy, check out my friends at these three companies; Botanical Earth, LanoLip and AYU International. Tell them Haute Market sent you!