It’s finally finished (I think). The web site has been tweaked and given a fresh new look. I wish I could say the same for myself. I can’t imagine how I must look having stared at the computer for 3 days.
I hope you like the new look of the site and enjoy the Fashion 411. I’ve recruited…ok bribed…an old friend who lives on the East coast where all the action is. She used to own a fashion web site and is a fabulous fashion writer. Plus she works for a big, cool company and rubs elbows with some pretty hot celebs. Let’s hope she can find enough time for us little ol‘ Midwest gals to give us the scoop on what’s haute!
Coming up on the blog: interviews with designers, biz owners and celebs. Some great coupons and discounts exclusively to the Fashion 411 readers….
and of course the countdown to Ticket day! Just two more days until you can buy tickets to the winter Retail Therapy event!