<p><img alt=”” height=”127″ src=”http://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-snc6/5655_114080983476_5800821_n.jpg” width=”127″ />Well it’s been a while since I’ve updated the blog because I’ve been so busy writing for others. And since Haute Weekly is what launched that part of my career, I want to give the opportunity to others. To bring fresh new voices onto the scene, as well as talk about some other topics, I’m inviting guest bloggers to submit articles to Haute Weekly. Topics such as decorating on a dime, DIY projects, organizing tips and more.</p>
<p>Please email jennifer@hauteweekly.com with info about what you are interested in writing about and why you would be a great addition to this community.</p>
<p>thank you!</p>