I’ve finally dived into the big bag of beauty goodies. The annual Cosmetic Executive Women’s Network product demo is the absolute tops when it comes to getting one’s hands on the latest and greatest skin care, hair care and cosmetic products!
Go Clear has been my first facial cleanser test. I really like it so far. I didn’t realize (or maybe forgot) that it’s part of an anti-acne program. However it’s nothing like the old school products that stripped our skin leaving it red, sore and dry. Go Clear is made with natural ingredients like shea butter, green tea extract, lavender…just to name a few.
What makes it so great? The list is long. My favorite perks are:
Shea butter. In my opinion, one of the earth’s finest moisturizing ingredients. If you’ve ever been treated to trying pure, unprocessed shea butter…it doesn’t smell great but it is amazing!
Tea. Green and white to be specific. Both amazing anti-oxidants. Also Green tea extract fights those nasty free radicals that harm your skin making it age faster, dry out and get just plain dirty.
Acai Berry. Said to be one of the top super-foods of the world. A rich antioxidant with so many uses and health benefits too numerous to list here.
I don’t have acne problems save a little here and there maybe every few months. Still, I’d use this product daily. Acne or no it seems to be very natural, non harsh and beneficial for my face. It’s $25 on the Go Clear web site. In my opinion, worth paying double what I was paying on my previous face wash because of the gentle yet effective cleansing product.
For an interesting fable about the Acai berry….