HauteLook.com, fabulous site for exclusive designer product sales, will set up a suite in the Bryant Park Hotel during NY Fashion Week for us weary travelers who cover the shows
I am positively giddy because they have an entire schedule of events including a trunk show, snacks and my favorite, cocktails!
The space will be professionally designed to help us chill and get some work done.
“We want it to be a home away from home for those writers who essentially spend the week in the Tents,” explained Carlota Espinosa, HauteLook‘s vice president. “The idea is that people will come back daily.”
Oh yes Carlota, I will be there repeatedly. We Haute chicks need to stick together. (ooh, and just checked my email, the she says I CAN wear my fuzzy slippers in the suite. SWEET!)
And hey, who knew….I haven’t shopped in a while (saving myself for NY) but just logged into HauteLook and I have a $30 credit. Rock on! You can too if you join and get a few of your peeps involved as well. Nothing better than a free shopping trip!