I absolutely adore Lulu Guinness handbags. This bag, Poodle Parlor, is a perfect example of the humor in the chic bags.
Famous for her scarlet red lips, her iconic signature found on many of the jewelry pieces, handbags and vanity bags. Carried by stars around the world, this is high-class with flair.
Standing out in a crowd is rarely so glamorous and fun at the same time. It’s definitely a signature style and you can make it all yours. though it’s rather difficult to find in my area so I often score my artful bags from Avelle (Bag Borrow or Steal).
Right now you can get 30% off in the sale section at http://www.luluguinness.com/. Keep in mind that it is a UK based store so prices are in pounds, not dollars, plus there is the shipping. But for those interested in veering off the beaten path, following her own drummer, all roads lead to Lulu.