My friends at Deegie’s Carma just posted notice about further price reductions at their temporary pop-up store!
My hubby and I checked out the pop-up store a few weeks ago and spent a wad of cash on all the great designers deals. Hubby likes the Ben Sherman shirts. I think his was reduced so much that they paid us for it.
I scored some white Eight 14 jeans. I love this brand of jeans. I have to get them taken up about 3 1/2 feet because they are so long, and at the waist as well because apparently 7 foot models also have no waist definition. Aside from that, I love them. Since I’ve scored these on sale, it’s not that big a deal to pay for altering. Remember…fit is IT.
Also in the shopping basket was a Diesel dress note here on a previous blog post.
Lots of great deals to be enjoyed at Deegie’s Carma.