What’s on your social calendar this weekend my fab fashionistas?
Nothing exciting you say? Oh drab. Let me help:
Prepare toes for weekend of sandal wearing. Try peppermint foot cream by jennyLou Spa. Grab the whole gift set for a quick at-home pedicure. Includes moisture-lock foot socks, the peppermint cream, toe separators and exfoliating scrubber/brush.
Our friends at Frankie & Jules have a few tubs of the cream left and we’ll have plenty of fresh inventory at Haute Market!
Shop the moving sale at Two Chic Blvd. from 10-2 for a cute new summer top to wear this weekend.
Call girlfriends and organize for day at Red, White & Boom. Mix 93.3’s fab summer concert.
Shop for comfortable sandals that shoe newly treated tootsies.
Sleep in a bit, it’s going to be a long day.
Attend Red, White and Boom.
2:30pm Drew6 on the main stage!
3pm hightail it over to the Haute Market booth to get free Drew6 CD, meet the guys from the band.
Get colorful hair extension put in hair by Lulu Salon
Buy Haute Market tickets for the July 17th party.
Enjoy the show.
Sunday: by all means…rest, love!