Sexy Stuff

SJP and crew have hit NYC with force and fab clothes. The fab four are touring the town, promoting the Sex and the City movie, wearing frocks that can turn you green with envy. SJP recently wore a silver gown by Nina Ricci that is so fabulous, I can’t stop staring at the photos.

I am so excited for our Sex and the City party at Deegie’s Carma tomorrow night. Sips and snacks, goodie bags, shopping discounts AND the movie! A true SATC-ish event.

So let’s see how many are actually reading the blog today. I had several squeaky wheels begging, very kindly, for tickets to the party. I just emailed my main man, Dave, at the Legends Theater and snatched up 10 more tickets! Now is your chance. Read the blog regularly and you shall be rewarded. There are 10 tickets added to our online store. Go buy tickets and get into the hottest Sex and the City party in Kansas City!

If you don’t get tickets to our party, try joining our friends at for their SATC party in Independence, MO at the Fox & Hound.