I have been having so much fun this morning! I found an online hair make over tool to help me choose my new hair color. I have another Xiphium appointment – it’s my hair color day. The cut went well Tuesday so now we just need to get my winter color going.
The hair make over tool is at In Style online. Choose a face shaped like yours. Make sure you are also choosing one with your same eye color. It’s very important because the color of your eyes will play an important part of choosing the right hair color.
I’ve printed my “hair” to take to my colorist, Sam, at Xiphium. This is Kelly Clarkson’s hair. No, that’s not me on the left. You can only choose someone with features like yours. I chose a round face with light skin and blue eyes. I can tell you that I did NOT look good as Tyra Banks, Sienna Miller or Sharon Stone.
Go have some fun…the laundry can wait another day!